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Opportunity Summary

Bengal Energy offers a unique combination of high potential impact exploration in  a stable jurisdiction, along with a production and cash flow stream that has room to grow. Australia provides a well-established regulatory framework with British common-law, and as such, many typical risks associated with international exploration are mitigated. Bengal’s Management team has experience in Australia, and have successfully secured established and experienced local partners.

Bengal’s large and under-explored acreage positions are all situated in proven, producing basins which offer the potential for high impact activity without facing many security and geopolitcal risks that are inherent with international oil & gas development. Bengal’s oil is priced at a premium to the Brent benchmark, which has contributed to strong operating netbacks since commencing production.

Why We Are Unique

  • Production, reserves and cash flow growth potential through combination of lower-risk drilling inventory plus high potential impact exploration;
  • Management of capital at risk by way of carried farm-out agreements for near term exploration projects – longer term capital allocation based on results;
  • Multiple near-term high impact drilling catalysts;
  • Strong cash flow drivers: high netbacks + production growth;
  • Experienced management team with a track record of value creation.

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